Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 9: Rewarding Good Behavior

This week's class was about showing our students how much we appreciate them, but also about helping them to appreciate themselves.  When we use reward systems, it's important to first be sure that we actually need a reward system.  If you don't need it, don't do it!  However, if your students need a little "push" to help motivate them in class, rewarding the behaviors you want to see could help.

This was a very quick and simple lesson, but is meant as a bit of a rest before we move into some of the more challenging things ahead.  For next week's class, I would like everyone to watch the video below.  It's about a special teacher from Japan who has mastered the art of building community and closeness with his students.  It's the first part in a series of five.  Watch this one for sure, but watch the others if you have time.